WRs This Month
Top 10 WR Holders
February POM: Henrik Norgren
Henrik is awarded this months POM for his new Train strategy on SA and 00A. Although by the end of the month, Henrik did not have the untieds to show for it, his efforts and contributions to the elite were unmatched. He set on an undying battle through the month (heck, the season!), matching the efforts of the GEE's top players. Illu is a close second this month for actually ending up with the Train WRs also, once all was said and done this month. Link: POM history for previous winners and overall standings
WR Setters this Month
February Summary February 2006 is the month of the train strategy. Early in the month, Henrik devours the SA/00A difficulties while Rayan Isran struggles to keep up with Henrik's work. Rayan had spent a lot of time on these WRs without using Henrik's new ideas. By the end of the month, the strategy is released and Illu is able to untie the 00A difficulty as well as tie the SA WR on train. Outside of Train, Ryan White was active on the few "easier" WRs as he starts to climb the WR ranking charts, picking up Runway 00A and Facility Agent ties. Michael Kirkness follow's suit by tying the new 0:55 Archives times, while Adam Matis and Luke Szklarz get on the board with Depot A 0:26. Our other WR this month was Jimmy Bauer with Runway 00A 0:38 before the month came to a close. In total, Train SA/00A were untied 6 times this month, and a WR was posted on Train a total of 10 times out of the 18 WRs this month. Being the only untieds, they lowered the elite's time by an astonishing 20 seconds.
The elite total time changes from 1:16:42 to 1:16:22! |
2007 - January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December - 2008 - January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December - Data collected from the GEWR Database, credits to SilverAngel. GEWRM maintained and updated by Octoinky. Check out... [HOME] -- [POM] Award History -- [WROM] Award History |