Goldeneye World Records Monthly
Latest Update: 11.01.2007

HOT links!
No, not sausages, dummy!

Player of the Month: POM History
- History and Rankings, updated monthly!

WR of the Month: WROM History
- History and Rankings, updated monthly!

Back Home: GEWRM Index
- a slew of links and explanations

2006 - A year in review
2007 - A year in review

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GE WR Database
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About GEWRM: GEWRM's main goal is to recognize the accomplishments of members at Here, we focus on the historical achievements of WRs, where every month a player and WR is crowned as the best of that month. Additionally, the monthly pages log the progress of the community, with every WR set, a WR standings table, and a tidbit of information to summarize that month's events.

Player of the Month: Because this site is about world records, the main focus of the Player of the Month is strength of WRs achieved in a given month. This may include historical significance, volume, quality, etc., but does not take into account the points or times rankings. We're srictly about WRs, here! This page logs the history of POM as well as provides a rankings page for them.

WR of the Month: Similar to the POM, WR of the Month is an award given to the best WR in a given month. This may not be the hardest, but could be the hardest earned, a historical achievement, etc. This decision is made through voting by the community.

Yearly Writeups: If one does not check out every month's page to keep up with all the action, there are yearly summaries, including a Player of the Year, WR of the Year, and various statistics and data about what occured in that year. A lot of time goes into these pages, be sure to check them out!

2006 - A year in review
2007 - A year in review

I have decided to discontinue the Longest Lasting WR page. This is more fit for a data site, so please mosey on towards the GEWRM Database for this information.


2006      -  January  -  February  -  March  -  April  -  May  -  June  -  July  -  August  -  September  -  October  -  November  -  December  -
2007      -  January  -  February  -  March  -  April  -  May  -  June  -  July  -  August  -  September  -  October  -  November  -  December  -
2008      -  January  -  February  -  March  -  April  -  May  -  June  -  July  -  August  -  September  -  October  -  November  -  December  -

Data collected from the GEWR Database, credits to SilverAngel. GEWRM maintained and updated by Octoinky.
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