WRs This Month
Top 10 WR Holders
April POM: Rayan Isran
This was another pure domination, and Rayan Isran looks to be easily on his way toward a Spring 2008 victory. Rayan's highlights this month include 1:02 on Silo A, Surface 1 A and Caverns A (all 3 consecutively), a large handful of Control WRs in an epic late-month fight with Clemens, and 1:55 Streets 00A untied to chill with Goose, finally ending the 1:56 reign that lasted so long. Link: POM history for previous winners and overall standings
WR of the Month: Dam 00A 1:57 (David Clemens)
WR Setters this Month
April Summary April is really the start of something special. At the end of this month, David Clemens and Rayan Isran find themselves in an epic battle for first place: In WR total, Points and Time. Much of this, of course, relies on success across multiple levels, however they seem to be stuck on Control right now. Where nearly no points, time or WR count is up for grabs (they already have it all here!), they still are fighting over the final word here, from the end of April into May. At the end of April, we have already seen 7 WRs in 12 days, and when all has been said and done.. they're tied. We currently sit at 3:59 / 4:08 / 4:11, but lets see what happens next month! TThat isn't all they were up to, however. Clemens won the WROM with 1:57 Dam 00A early in the month, and added 1:02 Silo A only a week after Rayan set the time. Rayan had a few other WRs as well, outlined above in the POM writeup, as well as a 1:13 Streets A and 0:21 Bunker 1 SA (a WR that nearly won WROM last month as well!). Rayan seems to be one step behind on a lot of these WRs, but continually pulls them in, which when all is said and done is all that matters. Outside of the rivalry, we didn't have too much activity. Dan Cervone hit a WR for the 3rd month in a row, with 0:43 Depot SA and 0:49 Surface II SA. I'm going to say it for the 3rd month in a row, for a guy struggling to maintain 10 total WRs, the quality of his WRs since his return are outstanding. Wouter Jansen may have fooled some with an April fools unwhoard of video links, but one of them was actually real. He has tied 0:22 Runway A, officially posted as April 1st, 2008, but who knows how long this time has been in the books (or how many other times are back there, as well!).
The elite total time changes from 1:14:05 to 1:13:58!
2007 - January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December - 2008 - January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December - Data collected from the GEWR Database, credits to SilverAngel. GEWRM maintained and updated by Octoinky. Check out... [HOME] -- [POM] Award History -- [WROM] Award History |